The Long Flight South

by Sheila Dunning, Courtesy of UF IFAS Extension In the fall of the year, North American monarch butterflies travel from their summer breeding grounds to overwintering location. Those from east of the Rocky Mountains, travel up to an astonishing 3,000 miles to central Mexico. Unlike summer generations that only live for two to six weeks as […]
Pretty Face with a Bad Attitude: The Invasive Chinese Tallow

Courtesy of Daniel J. Leonard, University of Florida The native Florida landscape definitely isn’t known for its fall foliage. But as you might have noticed, there is one species that reliably turns shades of red, orange, yellow and sometimes purple, it also unfortunately happens to be one of the most significant pest plant species in North America, […]
Planting Florida Wildflower Seeds in Florida
The optimum time to plant Florida wildflower seeds is late September through late December. After germination the small seedlings are totally frost hardy. Our natural rain patterns will allow them to continue to grow through the winter and give you a beautiful flush of spring color. If you plan the seed mix right you can […]
Yards and Landscapes
Early spring is a great time to think about the land that surrounds your house. Fortunately, you have plenty of choices. One of them could be to make your yard an extension or part of the Nature Preserve. Everybody likes pollinators, but pollinators need native plants and trees. Bees are the main pollinators for fruits […]